Chapter Outline for Luke

  1. Introduction; John's and Jesus' Birth Foretold; Mary's Song; Zachariah's Prophecy
  2. Jesus' Birth; Announcement by Angels; Presentation at the Temple; Return to Nazareth; The Boy Jesus Visits the Temple
  3. John the Baptist Preaches and Baptizes Jesus; Genealogy of Jesus
  4. Jesus' Temptation; Rejection at Nazareth; Public Ministry; Healings
  5. Jesus Calls First Disciples Heals the Leper and Paralytic Calls Matthew Questioned about Fasting
  6. Lord of the Sabbath; The Twelve Apostles; Beatitudes; Love for Enemies; Do not Judge; Tree and Fruits; House on the Rock
  7. Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant Raises a Widow's Son answer John's messengers; Mary Anoints Jesus
  8. Parables of the Sower and Lamp; Jesus Calms the Storm Heals the Demoniac Raises a Dead Girl
  9. Jesus Sends out the Twelve Feeds 5000 Heals a Boy; Transfiguration; Cost of Following Jesus
  10. Jesus Sends out the Seventy-two; Good Samaritan; Martha and Mary's House
  11. Instruction about Prayer; Casting out Demons; the Sign of Jonah; Woes upon Pharisees
  12. God Knows All; Parable of the Rich Fool; Anxiety; Watchfulness
  13. Call to Repent; Healing on the Sabbath; Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast; Enter by the Narrow Door
  14. Jesus Heals Again on the Sabbath; Parable of the Banquet; Cost of Discipleship
  15. Parables of the Lost Sheep Lost Coin and Prodigal Son
  16. The Parables of the Shrewd Manager and the Rich Man and Lazarus
  17. Forgiveness and Faith; Cleansing of the Ten Lepers; Second Coming Foretold
  18. Parables of the Persistent Widow Pharisee and Tax Collector; The Rich Young Ruler; The Healing of a Blind Beggar
  19. Zacchaeus Converted; Parable of the Ten Minas; Triumphal Entry; Driving Traders from Temple
  20. Jesus' Authority; Parable of the Tenants; Give to Caesar; Marriage at the Resurrection
  21. The Widow's Gift; Signs of the End of the Age
  22. Preparing the Passover; Jesus Arrested Disowned by Peter
  23. Jesus before Pilate and Herod; Jesus' Crucifixion and Burial
  24. The Resurrection; Road to Emmaus; Appearances to disciples Ascension