First Surgery and Adam's Rib

God was the First Surgeon!

In Genesis 2:21, we are told that God placed Adam (the first man) into a deep sleep in order to take a bone from his side. God then used Adam's bone to create Eve (the first woman). At first glance, this just seems miraculous, and it is, but the study of science (laws created by God) has more light to shed on this story...

Deep Sleep
Did you know that the pioneer of anesthesia was inspired by God's actions in Genesis 2? It's true! Sir James Young Simpson took God's Word seriously, and he discovered that chloroform (the chemical compound: CHCl3) would put people to sleep and prevent them from feeling pain. He then used that to help women in childbirth in the 1800s AD. 

Now, we're not sure if Adam and Eve would have felt any kind of pain while in the Garden of Eden, but even if they didn't, it would probably have been a horrifying experience had Adam watched this process! So, it makes sense that God would put him into a Tardemah (Hebrew for "deep sleep") first. 

Adam's Side / Rib
The Hebrew word tsela can mean rib or side. Scripture says God took only one tsela which means there must be more than one on Adam's side... which fits perfectly with the bone being Adam's rib. 

Our knowledge of science (laws created by God) continues to grow and can provide us with new insights into the actions and methods of God! We now know that there is one type of bone in particular  in the entire human body that is able to quickly regrow itself... care to guess which one? A rib! God picked the one bone type that He knew could most easily replace itself! It's as if He planned it that way... amazing!

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Something to Consider

  1. Once Adam was asleep, God took a part of Adam's rib knowing it could heal itself.
  2. The rib is part of a group of bones that protect the breath of life that God gave to us. They protect our lungs and heart.
  3. A rib came from Adam's side which is where God intended Eve to be, at Adam's side as one flesh.
  4. Eve was then created to further protect the breath of life... by continuing life through childbirth.
  5. We are still creating life today from that single breath from God!

In Parallel

  1. Jesus' side was pierced after He died, but God knew He would defeat death.
  2. Jesus paid the price of our sins to offer us protection from an eternal death.
  3. Jesus then rose from the dead and offers to be one with us for eternity.
  4. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to offer us the breath of eternal life which cannot be overcome by death. 
  5. With each acceptance of Jesus as Savior from the wages of sin, the Church (aka, the Body of Christ) grows!